WISSEW: a story of sewing enthousiast

Fashion and couture lover, I love creating my clothes, adapting them to my body type and wearing them proudly! I use sewing to have a wardrobe that looks like me and my personality. 

I always wanted to be a fashion designer, but when the time came, my entourage strongly opposed it. You surely know these phrases: "Only the best succeed in this field", "it takes contacts to break into fashion", "Stylist is not a job".It is not normal that some talented and passionate people refrain from living their passion out of fear. And it is also unfair that some stylist-modelers do not see work and struggle to finish the end of the month. Saddened by these findings and determined to change things, I created Wissew.


Wissew is a marketplace for sewing patterns. On the one hand, we help fashion designers and sewing enthusiasts to live from their passion. On the other hand, we allow sewing enthusiasts, like me, to buy fashionable patterns, original and which have a strong symbolism.

Buying a Wissew pattern is above all helping a designer to live from his passion. Let's encourage talents together!

- Juliette
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/ Wissew Sewing Pattern


At Wissew, all of our designers are passionate about sewing and fashion. The models are designed to please you and create “Wow” in the mouths of those around you. Wissew follow the fashion news to offer trendy patterns that you could find in your favorite store.

In addition, all of our patterns are tested by the Wissew community until the garment falls perfectly. You will not have any bad surprises after staying 6 hours behind your sewing machine.

If you have any questions about your boss or making it, the designer or the Wissew team will be there to answer. Our goal is to create a large community of sewing enthusiasts, in which everyone can help each other and live their passion to the full.

Find out more abour our creators
Tissu de coutureRobe de mode
Wissew Community/

Create a close sewing community

At Wissew, our creators are from all walks of life. Some are professional stylist-modelers who want to monetize their bosses, some are pattern creators who struggle to manage everything on their current site and others are enthusiasts who create bosses on a personal basis and want to share them.

However, all our creators have one thing in common: they are close to their fan and their buyers.

We support creators throughout their journey so that they dare to believe in themselves and in their talent. And they accompany you when you make one of their bosses so that you have the best result.

Each item of clothing created is a challenge and Wissew is there to motivate and congratulate you.

Table de coutureCréatrice de mode
/ Wissew sewing pattern creators


Sewing is a passion but can also become a profession, that is our vision. Wissew is designed to allow all those who wish to share their bosses without financial brakes and without fear of failure.

We support creators throughout their journey so that they dare to believe in themselves and in their talent. Taking the first step on Wissew may be the start of a great career.

Since the creation of Wissew lives have changed. One designer stopped her boring work to devote herself to her passion, another started a fashion school after 30 years of regret, and a last one regained confidence in herself and her talent.

Buying a pattern from Wissew is not only about having fun, it is also allowing a designer to transform his life.

Download a sewing pattern exemple
Patrons de couture de pantalonGuide du patron de sous-vêtements
Robe de coutureMatériel de couture
Sewing for all of us /


Many people think that sewing is a granny activity. Wissew wishes to change mentalities by offering trendy and original patterns.

DIY is popular when it comes to cooking, cosmetics, furniture, but why not start sewing?

Sewing is a great way to consume clothing in an ethical and eco-responsible manner. Our planet won't wait for us so what are we waiting for to sew our wardrobe?

Find out our Fabrics

De fil en aiguille,
We will succed

Finally, thank you for supporting us and sharing the adventure with us ❤️